Professor Eris D. Schoburgh has been elected to the Editorial Board of Public Management Review at the elections held in September 2022.
Public Management Review is an internationally renowned journal that has an Impact Factor of 4.221. It encourages cross-national and comparative research articles and promotes inter-disciplinary work. It covers themes such: social policy making and implementation in the plural state; inter-sectoral (government non-profit-for profit) relationships; the evaluation and critique of the ‘new public management’ paradigm; governance institutions and processes; globalization and convergence in public management; state reform and structural adjustment, and the operational/strategic management of public service organisations, including contracting, marketing and strategic management.
Among her duties are to: participate in journal policy deliberations; encourage the submission of good papers from within her research network; and review articles for publication.
Professor Schoburgh served the Faculty of Social Sciences as Associate Dean. She lectures courses in public policy and management at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Department of Government where she currently coordinates the Public and Policy Management Unit. She is Vice-President of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) with oversight for Latin America and the Caribbean; a member of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) and the International Public Policy Association (IPPA); and immediate Past President of the Caribbean Studies Association (CSA).