The University of the West Indies Press (UWI Press) is pleased to announce that three of its books have been recognized as Finalists in the 25th annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards.
- Education for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean: Pedagogy, Processes and Practices by Lorna Down and Therese Ferguson in the Education Non-fiction category
- The Blackest Thing in Slavery Was Not the Black Man: The Last Testament of Eric Williams edited by Brinsley Samaroo in the History Non-fiction category
- New Political Culture in the Caribbean edited by Holger Henke and Fred Reno in the Political and Social Sciences Non-fiction category
As part of its mission to discover, review, and share the best books from university and independent publishers, Foreword Magazine, Inc. hosts an annual awards programme each year. Finalists represent the best books published in 2022. After more than 2,500 individual titles spread across 55 genres were submitted for consideration, the Finalists were determined by Foreword’s editorial team. Winners will be decided by an expert team of booksellers and librarians—representing Foreword’s trade readership—from across the country.
“This year’s Finalists represent the top offerings in each genre, from debut author publishers to established university and independent presses,” says Publisher Victoria Sutherland. “It’s really a wonderful tribute to the independent voices that don’t often get the recognition they deserve.”
UWI Press Director Christine Randle commented, "We are delighted for this recognition and congratulate our authors and editors. The UWI Press remains committed to maintaining our high-quality standards of contemporary academic publishing while furthering the interests of The University of the West Indies.”